Writing resources
Please find listed below a selection of some of my favourite (and helpful!) books and resources that provide advice on writing, editing, publishing, and legal help. I hope these may be of assistance to you on your literary journey.
The Anatomy of Genres – How Story Forms Explain The Way The World WorksJohn Truby
ASA's Guide to Getting PublishedJuliet Rogers
The Australian Editing HandbookElizabeth Flann, Beryl Hill, Lan Wang
Bird by BirdAnne Lamott
Butcher's Copy-editingJudith Butcher, Caroline Drake, Maureen Leach
The Chicago Guide to Copyediting FictionAmy J. Schneider
Dreyer's EnglishBenjamin Dreyer
Editing Fact and Fiction - A Concise Guide to Book EditingLeslie T. Sharpe, Irene Gunther
The Fine Art of Copyediting, Second EditionElsie Myers Stainton
The Elements of StyleWilliam Strunk Jr., E.B. White - Fourth Edition
How to Edit and be EditedAllegra Huston
The Little Black Book of Business WritingMark Tredinnick and Geoff Whyte
The Little Green Grammar BookMark Tredinnick
The Little Red Writing BookMark Tredinnick
The McGraw-Hill Education Handbook of English Grammar and UsageMark Lester, Larry Beason
On WritingStephen King
Refuse to Be DoneMatt Bell
Style Manual - Sixth EditionRevised by Snooks and Co
The Subversive Copy Editor Carol Fisher Saller
Walking on Alligators - A Book of Meditations for WritersSusan Shaughnessy
What Editors DoPeter Ginna
Words That SellRichard Bayan
The Writer Laid BareLee Kofman
The Writer's Journey – Mythic Structure for Writers Christopher Vogler
Writing FictionGarry Disher
Writing FictionJanet Burroway
Writing True StoriesPatti Miller
Arts Lawwww.artslaw.com.au ORGANISATIONS Australian Copyright Councilwww.copyright.org.au Australian Society of Authors (ASA)www.asauthors.org The Children's Book Council of Australiawww.cbca.org.au Institute of Professional Editors (IPED)www.iped-editors.org Writers Marketplacewww.writersmarketplace.com.au Writers Victoriawww.writersvictoria.org.au LENDING RIGHTS Public Lending Right Scheme & Educational Lending Right Schemewww.arts.gov.au/literature/lending_rights WRITERS CENTRES ACT Writers’ Centrewww.actwriters.org Australian Writers Centre (AWC)www.writerscentre.com.au First Nations Australia Writers Networkwww.fnawn.com.au Northern Territory Writers’ Centrewww.ntwriters.com.au NSW Writers’ Centrewww.nswwc.org.au SA Writers’ Centrewww.sawriters.org.au Queensland Writers’ Centrewww.queenslandwriters.org.au Tasmanian Writers’ Centrewww.taswriters.org Varuna, The Writers’ Housewww.varuna.com.au The Wheeler Centrewww.wheelercentre.com
Arts Lawwww.artslaw.com.au ORGANISATIONS Australian Copyright Councilwww.copyright.org.au Australian Society of Authors (ASA)www.asauthors.org The Children's Book Council of Australiawww.cbca.org.au Institute of Professional Editors (IPED)www.iped-editors.org Writers Marketplacewww.writersmarketplace.com.au Writers Victoriawww.writersvictoria.org.au LENDING RIGHTS Public Lending Right Scheme & Educational Lending Right Schemewww.arts.gov.au/literature/lending_rights WRITERS CENTRES ACT Writers’ Centrewww.actwriters.org Australian Writers Centre (AWC)www.writerscentre.com.au First Nations Australia Writers Networkwww.fnawn.com.au Northern Territory Writers’ Centrewww.ntwriters.com.au NSW Writers’ Centrewww.nswwc.org.au SA Writers’ Centrewww.sawriters.org.au Queensland Writers’ Centrewww.queenslandwriters.org.au Tasmanian Writers’ Centrewww.taswriters.org Varuna, The Writers’ Housewww.varuna.com.au The Wheeler Centrewww.wheelercentre.com
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